Syedyshev Oleg
Syedyshev Oleg



The idea of making donations came to my mind a long time ago, and first I began to make a donation not in full, but according to my finances each time. I cannot express you what feelings I had that time when I saw the gratitude for my donations. I even did not need the thanks. Although, I have admit that it is pleasant to hear thanks which came from the heart. (Below there are copies of the letter of thanks from the Church - it inspires me to make my business more flourishing. Moreover, my wife fully supports me in it).

In the books on starting a business I read some statements that charity and sponsorship are the key to making your business successful. I fully agree with another statement that it is dead end for those who say "Business is just for making money."

It makes sense to do your business if it gives you the opportunity to share with others what you earn and use the energy of money wherever you see it is needed. The most important thing is that you could do it from the bottom of your heart, honestly.